I've fiddled with my blog template because I decided I wanted more horizontal viewing space, given that it was using less than a third of my 1920 horizontal pixels. If it feels too spread out for you, I added a drag-and-drop handle over to the left to let you resize the main content column. The javascript is pretty primitive. If it breaks, drop me a comment.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

NFJS the Beginning

I just got home from the Austin, TX No Fluff Just Stuff conference. Wow! It's the first one I've been to, and it was great. For my reference and yours, I'm going to put some notes here of things that bear remembering. I expect I'll make several posts over the next few days (or more) on topics covered at the conference. Today:

Open Source Debugging Tools

One of the really good sessions I attended was on a variety of open source tools useful for debugging java apps. It's getting to the point, or maybe it's already there, where there's almost no benefit to shelling out the cash for a commercial debugging/profiling application like YourKit. Think “tools” in a loose sense here, because some of these things are just handy CLI commands that make your debugging efforts more efficient. If you're too lazy or don't have time to ready the whole thing, the "must-see"s for me in this list were OQL (in jhat or Eclipse Memory Analyzer--I don't think VisualVM supports it yet), omniscient debuggers, and BTrace.
I believe all the tools I mention are available for Windows, Linux, or Mac unless otherwise stated. Certainly the Java-based ones are. It started off with tools that aren't actually Java-oriented, but instaed are for network debugging:
  • cURL – absolutely raw HTTP interaction. This guy is great for debugging any of the many protocols that use HTTP: normal web requests, AJAX, SOAP, web services, etc. You can specify any request method, parameters, body, headers, etc. Also has modes for HTTPS, FTP(S), SCP, and more.
  • Tcpdump – watch raw network traffic at the packet level. This tool shows some or all of the content of packets passing through the network interface of your computer. It's highly configurable to capture only exactly what you want.
  • Wireshark – GUI for viewing tcpdump output, formerly known as Ethereal. Wireshark also includes tcpdump and can be used to do the captures. Often, though, you're working in a headless environment, in which case you'd need to use tcpdump and ship the dump file back to where you can analyze it with the excellent Wireshark interface.
Now to the Java tools. A “**” indicates that a tool is distributed with the JDK since version 1.5. I got tired of typing it over and over:
  • Jmeter – Apache Jmeter has come a long way. It's primarily a load testing tool that can run against a number of different types of servers that one typically encounters in Java enterprise development. The interface isn't entirely intuitive, but don't give up too quickly. It is extremely flexible and powerful.
  • Jps** – like ps in Linux, but shows Java-specific details about all running JVM processes.
  • Jstat** – shows JVM statistics for a particular JVM. This shows mostly memory- and garbage-collection-related stats.
  • Jconsole**/VisualVM – graphical tool that shows tons of statistics about a JVM as well as JMX Mbeans. They can also initiate and analyze heap dumps. Jconsole is being deprecated in favor of VisualVM. While VisualVM is actually included with the JDK, it's recommended to download it separately since development is ongoing, and the version from the website will likely always be way ahead of the version in your JDK.
  • Jstatd** – a daemon that allows you to connect jps, jstat, and jconsole/VisualVM to remote machines. I.e. run jstatd on the remote machine, and then you can connect one of the other tools to it.
  • Jstack** – shows stacktraces of all threads in a running JVM.
  • Jmap** – displays/dumps content of the Java heap. A heap dump can be very large and expensive, but invaluable in diagnosing performance problems and OOMEs. Dumps are created in a standard format that can be read by a number of tools.
  • Jhat** – analyze and display—actually run an HTTP server that serves the results of—a heap dump. Jhat is quick and effective (given enough of its own heap space to run in!), but since it exposes everything as HTML, it's somewhat limited in comparison to Jconsole/VisualVM or another tool that can parse heap dumps.
  • OQL – not a tool, per se, but I only learned about it this weekend, and it's awesome! Object Query Language is a language for letting you query a heap dump to find out virtually anything you could possibly want to know in one, neat result set! Simple example: “select z from java.lang.String z where z.count > 50” – applied to a heap dump will display all String instances with more than 50 characters. I believe a number of tools, including jhat, support OQL, but I haven't researched this enough yet.
  • Jinfo – display or change JVM options while a JVM is running. For instance, turn on HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError on every important JVM you're currently running because it could help you immensely in diagnosing crashes.
  • Javap – class file disassembly. Given any java class file, show a human-readable representation of the bytecode. If the class was compiled without debug information, it will be somewhat less readable.
  • Eclipse Memory Analyzer – Eclipse plugin that can load (but not initiate) heap dumps and run OQL queries against them and has some quite friendly and useful visual representations of the dump.
  • BTrace – a utility that lets you easily inject your own code into a running JVM by dynamically instrumenting bytecode. The code is quite simple. You just have to write a static method and put an annotation on it telling it when to run. Note: the code you can put in a BTrace class is extremely limited. It seems to be mainly intended for creating more verbosity in an application when things aren't working quite right and your logging isn't telling you what you need to know.
  • “Omniscient” debuggers – We didn't have time to get into these, but they look crazy powerful. The idea with these is that the debugger knows everything and will let you do anything, including stepping backward through a program, to figure out where a bug came from. They do all this by recording every single thing that happens in the JVM. Thus while they're crazy powerful, they're also crazy slow, but still... A couple that were mentioned: ODB and TOD.
Finally, a few more non-java tools that deal with general OS stuff:
  • fs_usage (Mac), inotifywait, inotifywatch, lsof (Linux) – tools for watching changes to files and/or seeing what processes are changing files.
  • Process Monitor (Windows) – lets you see what processes are changing files and much, much more for Windows. Not open source, but free. This tool is like Task Manager on steroids.
  • FileMon (Windows) – close cousin of Process Monitor that shows lots more file-related information in Windows. Also not open source, but free.

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