I've fiddled with my blog template because I decided I wanted more horizontal viewing space, given that it was using less than a third of my 1920 horizontal pixels. If it feels too spread out for you, I added a drag-and-drop handle over to the left to let you resize the main content column. The javascript is pretty primitive. If it breaks, drop me a comment.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Journey to Git, Part VII--Other Useful Stuff

My previous Git posts were mostly a walkthrough of the basic workflow to get you up and running with Git fast. This post is less that and more a quick survey of other commands that are regularly used and/or useful. Previous posts aren't a prerequisite for this, but you need to at least have a repository with a few commits and branches in it to be able to run the commands and see what they do.


Articles in this series:

See What Changed

One of the most frequent commands is one ubiquitous to version control:

git diff

This command, by default, simply shows you what is different in your working tree from your index. In other words, it shows you what you've changed since the last commit but haven't staged yet. To see changes you've staged for commit, use:

git diff --staged

Of course, you can also use it to view the changes between any two arbitrary commits and/or branches:

git diff <commit|branch> <other commit|branch>

Note: Unless you want to see history in reverse, you always put the older commit first and the newer commit second.

And finally, you can see just the changes to a particular file or set of files by listing their names after the command and any options:

git diff file1 file2 ...

When you're using commands like this that refer to commits, it quickly gets old to look up their hashes, even when you can just copy/paste them. Fortunately, Git provides a concise vocabulary for specifying commits without using hashes. First, "HEAD" always refers to the "tip", or latest commit, of the current branch. You can also typically use the branch name to refer to the same commit, so we have at least one commit in each branch we can always refer to without knowing its hash. After that, when you know the name of any commit, you can use a caret to say "previous", so "HEAD^" means the commit before the latest commit on the current branch. Likewise, "master^" would refer to the commit before the latest commit on branch master. Carets stack, and each additional one signifies one more commit backward: "HEAD^^^^" is four commits before the latest commit on the current branch. This can also be expressed with "HEAD~4". Just use the tilde and a number to go back a specified number of commits. This is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg on specifying commits, but it's likely all you'll need for a great majority of what you'll do.

Given this new way of specifying commits, a command I use quite regularly is:

git diff HEAD^ HEAD

That is: show me what I did in the last commit. One final note: there are many diff viewing GUIs out there, but I'm not going to go into that much right now. If you've made it this far, you can probably manage setting one of them up on your own. I'll just point you at:

git help config

Search the output for "diff.external", and go from there. If you need more help, drop me a comment, and I'll see what I can do.

See History

The Command Line Way

Another often-used command that's common to VCSs is the log command:

git log

We've used this command in previous posts, but I'm going to add a few variations and a bit of detail to your toolbox here.

You might be accustomed to a log command that shows all the commits made on the current branch. Git does things slightly differently. The "git log" command shows all commits contained within the current branch. It's a subtle difference. When you merge a branch into another, not only does the merge commit show up in the destination branch, the commits from the branch that was merged appear as well. That's because all those commits are part of the state of that branch now. This can be slightly confusing to look at sometimes, but there's a handy option that helps you sort out where each commit came from when you need to:

git log --graph

The --graph option represents branches as lines to the left of the commits being shown. Each commit will have an asterisk next to it in one of the lines indicating which branch the commit was actually made on.

Note: The --graph option also changes the ordering scheme of the commits, potentially causing them to not appear in chronological order. I suppose this is supposed to make it easier to read the graph, but I find it distracting. Use the --date-order option to put them back in chronological order.

Another useful option lets you search commit messages and show only commits that match the search pattern:

git log --grep="some text"

Finally, sometimes it's handy to just see commits from certain times:

git log --since=yesterday
git log --until="15 Jul"

Note that none of these options are mutually exclusive. This is perfectly valid:

git log --graph --since="last week" --until="two days ago"

Note: I don't know what handles the date parsing in Git. I've seen it in the docs somewhere, but I can't figure out where. Whatever it is, it's very versatile.

The Fancy Way

Well, "git log" is great and all that, but what about when you really need to get down in the dirt and pick through the complete history of files? That's what gitk is for. It's similar to "git log" but packs much more detail into a screen. Gitk is one of the GUIs that comes with Git. In Cygwin and msysgit, it's installed along with the Git package, but on Linux, it's a separate package named--wait for it--"gitk". In any of them, the name of the command is also "gitk".

Run "gitk", and take a look around the interface. The top part of the screen is your list of commits, just like in "git log". Click a commit to select it. The bottom part is a diff showing what was changed in the currently-selected commit. In between the two is a control panel that, among other things, shows the SHA-1 of the selected commit, lets you search the selected commit for text, and lets you run rather powerful searches of all the commits appearing in the top pane.

In addition to all of that, "gitk" accepts many options that "git log" does, including some that lend themselves extremely well to the graphical representation. For one, you can see all commits from all branches with:

gitk --all

Another great feature is the ability to view any uncommon history between two branches you're thinking about merging:

gitk branch1...branch2

Run that way, it will show all commits from the latest commit on each of the branches back to the nearest common commit between the two: i.e. all the commits you're about to merge together.

Note: Gitk just runs off of the output from "git log", and it uses the --graph option when it does so. This means the commit ordering isn't necessarily chronological, like I explained above. Use "gitk --date-order" to get them back in order by date.

Hopping Around History

In previous posts, I introduced you to "git checkout" as a way to drop your changes to a file by getting the latest version of the file from the repository:

git checkout <path to file>

and as a way to move to a different branch:

git checkout <branch name>

In fact, "git checkout" can move you to any commit:

git checkout <commit>

This command pulls the state associated with the specified commit from the repository and makes it your working tree.

Note: Although you can use checkout to undo your changes to a file by getting that file from the repo, checking out a commit or branch is different. It isn't allowed to overwrite anything, and it does not perform a merge, so if something is in the way of what you're trying to check out, like a change in your working tree that would be lost by the checkout, Git will refuse to do it. There's two ways out of this situation: stash your changes and do the checkout, or use the -f option to "git checkout" to force the checkout, overwriting any changes.

The message from checking out an arbitrary commit brings up an interesting point: after you do it, you're no longer on a branch. You're on what Git calls a "detached HEAD". Interestingly, though, you can still do just about anything, including commit things. Since you're not on a branch, the commits naturally don't get applied to any branch, but they do happen. They're more or less in limbo, though, and you'll never see them again once you move back to a branch unless you do something to put them into a branch.

Since you can commit outside of a branch, it's rather important that you always ensure you're on a branch when you're working. Both "git status" and "git branch" show what branch you're on, if any. To move back onto a branch when you're not on one, just check out a branch again.

Looking Without Leaping

If all you want is to see what a file looked like at some time in the past, there's a much quicker way to do that than checking out the whole commit:

git show <commit>:<path to file>

Cool. Let's end on a short section. Stay tuned for still more Git goodness as I further explain how to interact with other Git repositories and with Subversion--a really cool feature!

Next stop, Subversion interaction.

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